Saturday, 27.07.2024, 10:32
Biographical-Documentary Project "Piotr Bozyk (1912-1989)"

Piotr/Peter Bozyk - victim of German persecution. Gestapo and imprisonment [0]
Piotr/Peter Bozyk confined to the Police prison Salzburg [1]
List of prisoners to the Police prison Salzburg (in days 2,3,4,5,6,7 September 1943) [9]
List of prisoners to the Police prison Salzburg (in days 2,3,4,5,6,7 September 1943) "Polizeigefangenenhaus Salzburg"
Piotr/Peter Bozyk - prisoner of Concentration Camps in Germany [0]
4.9.1943 - 21.3.1944 Piotr/Peter Bozyk - prisoner of Concentration Camp Dachau [1]
4.9.1943 - 21.3.1944 Piotr/Peter Bozyk - prisoner of Concentration Camp Dachau, prisoner's number 50702
Piotr/Peter Bozyk - prisoner of Concentration Camp Natzweiler/commando Neckarelz [0]
21/26.3.1944 -10.1944 Piotr/Peter Bozyk - prisoner of Concentration Camp Natzweiler/commando Neckarelz, prisoner's number 9282
Piotr/Peter Bozyk imprisoned in the Concentration Camp Natzweiler/commando Wesserling [0]
On 1 June 1944 Piotr/Peter Bozyk imprisoned in the Concentration Camp Natzweiler/commando Wesserling, prisoner's number 9282
Piotr/Peter Bozyk - prisoner of Concentration Camp Natzweiler/commando Neckarelz [0]
10.1944 -4.1945 Piotr/Peter Bozyk - prisoner of Concentration Camp Natzweiler/commando Neckarelz, prisoner's number 9282
4.1945 Piotr/Peter Bozyk and the Liberation of Concentration Camp [0]
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Головна » Статті » Piotr Bozyk - victim of German persecution. » List of prisoners to the Police prison Salzburg (in days 2,3,4,5,6,7 September 1943)

List of prisoners to the Police prison Salzburg (in days 2,3,4,5,6,7 September 1943) "Polizeigefangenenhaus Salzburg"
List of prisoners to the Police prison Salzburg
"Polizeigefangenenhaus Salzburg"
(in days 2,3,4,5,6,7 September 1943)
About those foreigners, with the exception of Reich Germans, Japanese, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Romanians, French and Belgians, which from 09.01.1939 on, were detained in the Police prison Salzburg.
Verzeichnis Über jene Ausländer, mit Ausnahme von Reichsdeutschen, Japanern, Ungarn, Bulgaren, Rumänen, Franzosen und Belgier, welche vom 1.9.1939 an, im Polizeigefangenenhaus Salzburg inhaftiert waren.
№               Surname:                  Date of birth.   Nationality:     Date of detention:             Purpose-Administration:
№6407     Bozyk Peter                   17.5.1912         Polen           3.9.1943-4.9.1943.                K.Z. Dachau
№6408     Scharock Theodor         21.2.1922         Polen           2.9.1943-4.9.1943                 Gefängnis Regensburg
№6409     Josef Bernard-Garcio   2.6.1911           Spanien        3.9.1943-4.9.1943                 Gefängnis Bordeanx
№6410     Solowjow Grzko             1.2.1924          Russland       3.9.1943-4.9.1943                 Gefängnis Regensburg
№6411     Kroon Johannes            8.5.1923           Holland        3.9.1943-4.9.1943                 Gefängnis Landsberg/Lech
№6412     Sir Stanislaus                1.5.1920         unbekannt       3.9.1043-4.9.1943                 Gefängnis  München
№6413     Petricevic Mijo              9.9.1912           Serbien        3.9.1943-4.9.1943                 Gefängnis München
№6414     Ekas Christos               18.6.1915                              3.9.1943-4.9.1943                 Gefängnis München
№6415     Tucoly Lola                  17.12.1927      Kroatien         3.9.1943-4.9.1943                 Gefängnis München
№6416     Stefanovic Dusan          3.7.1920           Serbien         3.9.1943-4.9.1943                Gefängnis Berlin
№6417     Klimenko Nikolai         28.6.1923          Ukraine        3.9.1943-4.9.1943                Gefängnis München - KZ Dachau
№6418     Kroll Johann                11.4.1921         unbekannt      3.9.1943-4.9.1943                SS-Sonderlager Hinzert
№6419            Israel
                 Rosenzweig Saul           8.5.1890         unbekannt       3.9.1943-4.9.1943                Intrlager Würzburg
№6420     Grdinovac Martin            Jahre               Kroatien       4.9.1943-4.9.1943                Gefängnis München
№6421     Hamuljak Josef              13.3.1894      Jugoslawien     4.9.1943-10.9.143                Arb.Amt. vorg. o.Wohnung
№6422     Skordikowa Jelena           1921              Russland       5.9.1943-6.9.1943                fr. Fuss entl Mirabellplatz
№6423     Milutin Jowanowitsch     8.7.1926           Serbien        6.9.1943-10.9.1943              Gefängnis Hraz
№6424     Lugowa Anna                12.7.1927         Ukraine        6.9.1943-10.9.1943              Gefängnis Linz
№6425     Bialecka Maria              16.1.1916          Polen           6.9.1943-10.9.1943              Arb. Amt.vorg. Lg.Maria Plain
№6426     Donaunovski Josef         25.5.1914        Russland       6.9.1943-20.11.1943             K.Z.Mauthausen
№6427     Vugrinec Iwan                28.8.1892        Kroatien       7.9.1943-11.9.1943              Arb. Lager Reicheau
№6428     Valentina Domanovski    22.2.1925         Ukraine       7.9.1943-29.9.1943              Arb.Amt.vorg.S.

Категорія: List of prisoners to the Police prison Salzburg (in days 2,3,4,5,6,7 September 1943) | Додав: Hnatyk (03.05.2010) | Автор: Bohdan Hnatyk E W
Переглядів: 2220 | Коментарі: 2 | Теги: List of prisoners to the Police pri, KZ-prisoner, Salzburg | Рейтинг: 5.0/3
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